How scientists
turn data into discovery

How scientists
turn data into discovery

How scientists
turn data into discovery

How scientists
turn data into discovery

Analyze, organize, understand, and share
biological data in a single workspace

Analyze, organize, understand, and share
biological data in a single workspace

Analyze, organize, understand, and share
biological data in a single workspace

Analyze, organize, understand, and share biological data in a single workspace

Get Started for Free

Get Started for Free

Built with expertise from biotech and big tech

Built with expertise from biotech and big tech

A modern data stack in a single platform

A modern data stack in a single platform

Built for science and designed to work seamlessly, Mantle streamlines your workflows to accelerate and scale biological research. No more piecing together disparate tools—get one integrated solution.

Data stack graph
Data stack graph
Data stack graph

Flexible software for complex science

Flexible software for complex science

Flexible software for complex science

Flexible software for complex science

Our platform is designed to handle diverse data types and workflows, ensuring you can tackle any scientific endeavor with ease and precision.

Everything a modern
research platform needs

Everything a modern
research platform needs

Everything a modern
research platform needs

Everything a modern
research platform needs

Large biotech and pharma companies spend years and
millions of dollars building data platforms.

Large biotech and pharma companies spend years and millions of dollars building data.

Closeup of hands pouring liquid
Closeup of hands pouring liquid
Closeup of hands pouring liquid
Closeup of hands pouring liquid


Stay ready for your next experiment or IND filing.


Stop throwing data “over the wall”.


No more emailing screenshots, improve your data security.

“Mantle has been instrumental in building our data infrastructure and increasing throughput. Experiments are easily searchable and reproducible and the structure we have now allows for further growth and flexibility.”

“Mantle has been instrumental in building our data infrastructure and increasing throughput. Experiments are easily searchable and reproducible and the structure we have now allows for further growth and flexibility.”

“Mantle has been instrumental in building our data infrastructure and increasing throughput. Experiments are easily searchable and reproducible and the structure we have now allows for further growth and flexibility.”

– Founder and CEO, Cell Therapy

– Founder and CEO, Cell Therapy

Bridging the gap between data and discovery

At Mantle, we’re committed to providing life science researchers with the best software tools to make meaningful discoveries that benefit everyone.

Workshops illustration
Workshops illustration


New to Mantle? New to code? Mantle hosts free workshops virtually and in person for a wide range of interests and skill sets.

Education illustration
Education illustration

Learn More

Our favorite thing about science is lifelong learning. Come learn with us by visiting our blogs and let us know what you think.