Decode DNA and RNA with Mantle

Decode DNA and RNA with Mantle

Decode DNA and RNA with Mantle


When you can sequence a whole human genome in less than the time it takes to fly across the Atlantic, data piles up fast. Mantle helps keep your sequencing data flowing through your data lake and into gene-uine insights.

Get Started

Sequencing screenshot
Sequencing screenshot

The Human Genome Project, launched in 1990, marked the start of Big Biology Data, taking 13 years to produce the first whole-genome sequence. Today, high-throughput DNA and RNA sequencing enable rapid discoveries, but computational analysis must keep pace with data generation to maximize insights.

Align your team, FAST

With the Mantle data lake, aggregate your team’s FASTQs and experimental metadata into datasets.

Your teammates can run the processing pipelines you’ve developed with the click of a button.

Share quality dashboards

Design dashboards around your processed data, such as MultiQC results. Make them visible and interactive in Mantle so that your teammates and stakeholders are empowered to figure out their next steps.

Discover more with your data

Discover more with your data

Mantle brings data, computation, and teams together with a single platform. Together, let's close the gap between data and discovery.