Simplify data processing at any scale

Simplify data processing at any scale


Streamline your bioinformatics by enabling anyone to run analyses, anytime.

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Built for everyone

Easily analyze (and re-analyze) data with no-code or low-code.

Mantle stores results, graphs, and metrics in your data lake so they are viewable, findable, and traceable.

ETL is in our DNA

Prevent transcription errors by getting data straight from the source. After all, the error rate of DNA transcriptase is about 1 in 10,000. The error rate of humans copying and pasting data? Let's just say it's a lot higher.

Automate your extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) with Mantle and save time on maintaining spreadsheets.

Designed with developers in mind

Mantle integrates with Github and leverages Nextflow so you are ready to run open source nf-core pipelines or your own custom pipeline.

Discover more with your data

Mantle brings data, computation, and teams together with a single platform. Together, let's close the gap between data and discovery.

Discover more with your data

Mantle brings data, computation, and teams together with a single platform. Together, let's close the gap between data and discovery.

Discover more with your data

Mantle brings data, computation, and teams together with a single platform. Together, let's close the gap between data and discovery.

Discover more with your data

Mantle brings data, computation, and teams together with a single platform. Together, let's close the gap between data and discovery.